Upload Your Database File for a Company Surge® Report

Upload Your Database File for a Company Surge® Report

This feature allows you to upload your customer database directly into Company Surge®. Upload a CSV or Excel with domains in the first column and keep your existing data in the following columns. Use the uploaded file to create a Company Surge® report, and your output will append Company Surge® data in the columns following your existing data.

Once you have successfully uploaded your file, use the file name that is returned to create a new Company Surge® Report as shown in the Create Company Surge® Report v4 documentation.

Uploading a File

To upload a file for use in a Company Surge® report, send your file data as an attachment in a POST request as shown below. Stream the binary data of your file in the request body. We currently accept .csv and .xlsx file formats. Once the file is successfully uploaded, use the file name in the response in the "UploadedFile" JSON field of your Company Surge® report Create request (as shown /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/25722883).

Expected File Format

Files should have all domain data in the first column of your Excel / CSV file. All other data that you would like associated with each domain should be in additional columns of the corresponding row. Additional columns are not required A header line is acceptable, but not required. Jagged rows (i.e. uneven number of columns per row) are not allowed.

An example of a few lines of a possible CSV file: (note that the number of columns is the same in each line)



HTTP Request

POST https://sentry.bombora.com/v3/Surge/UploadSurgeFile

HTTP Request Header

Authorization: Basic {AUTH_KEY}

Refferer: bombora.com

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="myDataFile.xlsx"

HTTP Request Body

<streamed file data>

HTTP Response

If successful, the server will return Status Code 200 OK and the name of your uploaded file in the response body. Use this file name exactly in the "UploadedFile" portion of your Create Company Surge® Report v4 request to use this file in a new Company Surge®report.


Unsuccessful requests will return the reason for failure in the Reason Phrase portion of the response, along with the appropriate HTTP status code.


Validation of File Data

Your file data will be validated for use in a Company Surge® report upon upload. Failed validation will result in an HTTP Status Code 400 (Bad Request) response. Check the reason phrase in the response for more detailed information as to why the file did not pass validation.

Virus and Malware Scanning

For the safety and security of our data and our customers, your file will also be sent through an anti-virus scanning service upon upload. The upload will be rejected if any anomalies are detected. For security reasons, we will not accept Microsoft Excel files that contain VBA macros.


For both security reasons and the integrity of our applications, there is a maximum file size that can be uploaded to this service. File stream data longer than this maximum will be rejected. The maximum file stream size is currently 100 MB.

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