Estimator Endpoint

This endpoint allows you to estimate the amount of domains a Company Surge® Report will return.

Data Types

Request Object

Please refer to the Create Company Surge® Report Request Object


HTTP Request


HTTP Request Header

Authorization: Basic {AUTH_KEY}


Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Request Body

Sample Request:


"Topics" : [1333532, 1333540],

"ScoreThreshold" : 75,

"Filters" : [{"Id":"country","Value":["United States","Australia"]}, {"Id":"ccm_company_size","Value":["Medium (200 - 499 Employees)"]}],

"IncludeMetro": true,

"ReportType" : "comp"


HTTP Response

If successful, your Company Surge® report job will begin processing immediately and the response will contain the count of the estimate.

Response Object

Field nameTypeDescription
CountstringCount of domains showing increased topic interest
SuccessboolIndicates whether a request was successful (true) or not (false)
MessagestringError message if success is false


"Count" : 42382,






Company Surge® Report Estimations are only compatible with V4 Company Surge® Reports.


Most estimations will return within a few seconds. Company Surge® reports with uploaded files will take longer to estimate depending on the size of the file uploaded.