This endpoint allows you to get a customized Company Surge® report.
Data Types
Request Object
For Company Surge® reports you can include a list of topics or a list of organizations (or both). For organizations, you can either include an array of domains or the name of the file that was uploaded in the Upload Your Database File for a Company Surge® Report. You must include either Domains or UploadedFile in your request - not both. You must include either Topics or TopicClusters in your request - not both.
Field name | Type | Description | Default | Notes |
Domains | string[] | List of domains | N/A | Optional. At least one (1) domain is required. Cannot include both Domains and UploadedFile in a single request. |
UploadedFile | string | The file name that was returned from the UploadSurgeFile endpoint | N/A | Optional. File name must be exactly equal to the name that was returned. Cannot include both Domains and UploadedFile in a single request. For information about how to upload a file, see the Upload Your Database File for a Company Surge® Report documentation. |
Topics | int[] | List of topic IDs | None | Required. Maximum number of topics allowed depends on your permissions. |
TopicClusters | topicCluster[] | List of topic clusters | None | Optional. May use TopicClusters to replace Topics. May not use both Topics and TopicClusters. "TopicClusters" : [{"Name": "Cluster A", "TopicIds"=[1333532, 1333540]},{"Name": "Cluster B", "TopicIds"=[1333532]}] |
ScoreThreshold | int | Value from 0-100 | 60 | Optional. If specified, only results with topic Company Surge® score equal to or above the specified number are returned. |
TopicThreshold | int | Value >= 1 | 1 | Optional. If specified, only domains showing an increase in interest on X amount of topics are returned. |
Filters | filter[] | List of Filter Objects | None | Optional. A list of filter objects that will be used to filter Company Surge® data. e.g [ {"Id": "ccm_industry", "Value"=["Education","Sports"]}] |
GeographicScoreThreshold | int | value from 0-100 | 0 | Optional. If there are geographic filters present, then it will return only results where one of the corresponding geo scores are higher than GeographicScoreThreshold |
Delta | boolean | true or false | false | Optional. Whether to add the delta columns. This will return the difference between this week's scores and last week's scores or will return "New" if the Company Surge® data from the previous week did not match the filtering criteria for the report. |
IncludeDomainOrigin | boolean | true or false | false | Optional. Whether to add the domain origin output column. This will return the country for the given company where we see the most activity for that company. |
IncludeMetroAreas | boolean | true or false | false | Optional. Whether to add the metro areas as an output column. This will return the metro areas and metro area composite score where we see activity from the given company on the given topic. |
IncludeStates | boolean | true or false | false | Optional. Whether to add the state as an output column. This will return the state/providence and state/providence composite score where we see activity from the given company on the given topic. |
IncludeCountries | boolean | true or false | false | Optional. Whether to add the country as an output column. This will return the country and country and country composite score where we see activity from the given company on the given topic. |
ReportType** | string | Value "comp" (comprehensive) or "sum" (summary) | "comp" | Optional. If not included or "comp" is specified, results include unique topic scores. If "sum" is specified, results are grouped by domain and include average topic score. Cannot include geography (country/state/metro) for "sum" reports. ** See Comments for example output. |
OutputFormat | string | Value "csv","xlsx", or "json" | "csv" | Optional. If "csv" or not specified, report will be returned in CSV format. If "xlsx", report will be returned in excel format. If "json", report will be returned in JSON format. |
AutoGen | string | Value "Weekly" or "Monthly" | None | Optional. If specified, will automatically generate a new report on every Monday (Weekly) or the Monday following the first of every month (Monthly). |
Filter Objects
For an extensive list of all valid values, please call the GetMetaData endpoint
Id | Value | Description |
domain_origin | string[] | List of domain origins to filter by. |
country | string[] | Geo Filter. List of countries to filter by |
metro_area | string[] | Geo Filter. List of metro areas to filter by. |
state | string[] | Geo Filter. List of states to filter by. State filters must be in the format "{Country}|{State}" where the state is lowercased a sample request would look like "Filters" : [{"Id":"state","Value":["United States|nevada"]}] |
ccm_industry | string[] | List of industries to filter by. |
ccm_company_size | string[] | List of company sizes to filter by. |
Response Object
Field name | Type | Description |
Id | string | Id of your Company Surge® report job |
Success | bool | Indicates whether a request was successful (true) or not (false) |
Message | string | Error message if success is false |
HTTP Request
HTTP Request Header
Authorization: Basic {AUTH_KEY}
Content-Type: application/json
HTTP Request Body
Sample Request:
"Topics" : [1333532, 1333540],
"ScoreThreshold" : 75,
"Filters" : [{"Id":"country","Value":["United States","Australia"]}, {"Id":"ccm_company_size","Value":["Medium (200 - 499 Employees)"]}],
"IncludeMetro": true,
"ReportType" : "comp"
HTTP Response
If successful, your Company Surge® report job will begin processing immediately and the response will contain the ID of the job.
"Id" : "355275f8_90b5_4d57_965e_a6d5e91756a6",
Retrieving Report
To check if this Company Surge® report job is completed and to download the results, see Get Company Surge® Report Results.
Report Format
CSV Summary Report Format:
Company Name, Domain, Company Size, Industry, Average Score, Topic Count(, Topic Count Delta)
CSV Comprehensive Report Format :
Company Name, Domain, (Upload Your Database Columns, ) Company Size, Industry, Topic ID, Topic Name(, Cluster Name), Composite Score(, Composite Score Delta, Surging Country, Country Composite Score, Country Composite Score Delta, State, State Composite Score, State Composite Score Delta, Metro Area, Metro Composite Score, Metro Composite Score Delta, Domain Origin)
JSON Report Format:
"ccm_company_size":"Small (10 - 49 Employees)",